GirlsGoneHypnotized – Kelsey and Koa Hypnosis Session


This is our first time working with Kelsey, and its also her first time being hypnotized. Koa, of course, has been hypnotized before. Our returning hypnotist, RHLOVER, is working with both of the girls simultaneously, something new for him but he was up to the challenge. The entire session is conducted online through the webcam, with myself in the room, filming and interacting as needed. After a brief introduction, the girls are guided into trance by the hypnotist, through visualization and relaxation techniques. They are slowly dropped into a deeply relaxed state by the hypnotist’s voice, and then taken through obedience training once they get to a point where they are responding well to his suggestions. They are then trained to see myself and the hypnotist as their masters, and obey any commands we give them.